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Kolbe Correia

Kolbe Correia

Industrial Designer

Kolbe began at Motiv as an Industrial Design intern during his education at Wentworth Institute of Technology. He has since graduated and returned as a full time Industrial Designer. At the brink of his career, he is motivated to design meaningful products that solve problems and improve the livelihood of its users, complimenting the beauty and functionality found in the natural world.

Kolbe is a resident of Midway Artist Studios, an apartment complex in Boston housing a variety of creative individuals under one roof. He is always looking for ways to infuse his pursuits of the arts, mainly in illustration and model making, with the creation of functional consumer goods in hopes of improving user experiences and approachability.

Kolbe graduated from Wentworth Institute of Technology Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Design, he received the Dean’s Award for Design Excellence, as well as being runner up for the IDSA merit award in his class.